N.J. 07029 - U.S.A
125 Jersey Street, Harrison
Monday / Friday:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

C.S. Osborne & Co. / Shop

Upholstery Tools

No. 1013 – Stainless Steel Zipper Stops


Made of stainless steel. Size number 10. Packed and sold in bags of 100 pcs.

These are the top stops for the zipper chain and can be set using our zipper stop plier Osborne No. 1012.

Osborne no. 1013

SKU: 64500 Category:


Osborne No. Pcs. per bag Weight per bag (oz) UPC No.
1013 100 2 64500

Additional information

Weight 0.125 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 2 × 4 in
Pcs. per bag